Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away

Come again another day. You're familiar with the old children's rhyme. Well, I'm living it. It's been raining here for almost 48 hours non-stop, compliments of Hurricane Gustov. It came on shore with a fury, quickly moved thru Louisiana and then parked it on top of Arkansas. Thankfully, it doesn't have all of the strong winds that it did but it sure is dumping the rain. Two days with no sun and non-stop rain are really beginning to take a toll on me. I can just feel it. I enjoy the rain in moderation, but too much and the depression starts to settle in. The gloomy skies seem to settle into my inner being and it just drags me down.

Sun is once again supposed to be in store for the weekend and I am eagerly waiting for it. It reminds me of the promise that we have from our Heavenly Father. He never promises that the rains won't come or that there won't be grey skies. But He does promise that He will never leave us, even in the darkest of times. His mercies are new every morning and the sun will come out again. So, even though I want to curl up and bury my head under the covers, I will choose to hold up my head and look to the horizon.

Gustov will eventually rain itself out, just a memory of a few very rainy days, but my heavenly Father is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. I will cling to that promise and look forward to the future.

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