Friday, September 12, 2008

Tackle Football

My son, Matthew, played his first tackle football game last night. I have to admit that I always dreaded that day. I was afraid I would be the kind of mom that worried over every little bump and bruise and would totally freak out if I saw my son leveled to the ground. I have to say I surprised myself.

Here's my handsome little man in his uniform before the game.


And with his game face on...


Matthew plays on defense which basically means he's the one trying to do the tackling rather than getting tackled like if he was the quarterback or something else. That greatly helped me keep my cool. I have to say I was very proud of him. His team lost (badly), but he never gave up. He is loving this game and it showed last night. He had 1 sack of the quarterback, 2 quarterback hurries and 1 assisted tackle. I think this game can teach him alot about life. That even in adversity, we keep our head held high and continue to do what we are called to do without giving up. Look for the finish line (or goal line in this case) and never let up before you get there and the final whistle blows. I'm sure that I will have some nerve wracking moments as he continues to play, but as a mom, I am so excited to see him excelling at something that brings him so much happiness. He's my little man that isn't so little anymore. It's time to start standing on the sidelines and cheering him on as he finds his way in this world.

He's number 2..

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1 comment:

Nicole Kreiling said...

What a little lady killer! He's adorable!!!! And growing up too fast!!!