Monday, November 17, 2008

Saying Goodbye

Today a dear, old friend of my family's is being laid to rest after loosing her battle with cancer last Thursday. Because of location and family obligations we are unable to attend the services, but her family is very much in my prayers today.

Tana was a wonderful, godly woman who loved the Lord first and her family a very close second. She kept a blog during her 11 month struggle to fight this horrible disease and to see the faith and strength that can only come from God Himself was amazing. She was human and she struggled with doubt, depression, fear and anxiety just as I think most of us would. But the overriding message of her posts was that she knew the Lord was in control and she only wanted to see Him glorified through her ordeal. While God chose not to heal her on this side of heaven, I believe that through her testimony and the legacy that she leaves behind God will indeed be glorified. If you would like to read her blog for yourself, here is the link:

Men and women, hug your spouse and your kids everyday. This just reminds us that none of us know how many days we will be granted on this earth. Any moment can be our last. So let those you love know it while you still have the chance. Don't assume they know it or wait for another day because it may not come. Live everyday like it could be your last. Don't have regrets.

As you read this, you might offer up a prayer for Tana's family. Her husband, John and sons Cody and Ryan and her parents will need all the prayers they can get as they try to get through the days, weeks, and months to come.

Tana, my sister, I am glad to say that I knew you. I cannot wait to be reunited someday in God's heavenly kingdom. Our lives are a little darker without you in it, but Heaven shines much brighter today. Rest in peace.

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