Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Anyone Miss Me?

Wow, can't believe how long it's been since I've blogged. Never been much of a writer or journal writer so forgive me.

So much has happened since the last time I dropped in. I took a trip to London with my mother and oldest daughter. My four children and I were involved in a major car accident with a drunk driver. Thankfully no one was seriously hurt although my oldest and I are still receiving physical therapy. My oldest finished her freshman year of high school. My son graduated from 5th grade and will begin middle school in the fall. My middle daughter finished her kindergarten year and my baby and I adjusted nicely to being the only two at home during the day. My entire family and I just returned home from our first family vacation in two years. Went to Gatlinburg, TN. Highly recommend it. The Smoky Mountains are beautiful and if I didn't think the grandparents would revolt, I might consider moving my family there.

So, sorry for the long absence. Hopefully I will be better about blogging about our summer.

Thanks for bearing with me.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I love our Wii!!

Don't get me wrong. I am not a huge video game fan. I don't usually play much and limit the time that my children spend on them. However, I am a big fan of the Wii.

This game system actually makes you think and be active. You have to get up and move. No sitting down pushing buttons aimlessly. My entire family will play this system and we play together. So it is promoting family bonding as well. We still limit the time that we play but it is so nice to see our family in the same room sharing an activity. Our three year old even gets in on the action and I have to say she puts us all to shame with how well she bowls, plays tennis, baseball, boxing and golf.

We have been dealing with cold,wet,icy weather her today and more is forecast for tomorrow. But, my kids have remained active and have actually gotten some exercise even though they can't go outside.

If you are considering a game system and don't already have this one, I highly recommend it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Long Time No Blog

Wow, I look up and several months have gone by. Where does the time go? I guess four children and a husband who is traveling more has gotten me a little off course. But I'm back and hopefully will be better about this.

Well, since the last time I blogged, we have celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas, rung in a new year and watched the swearing in of a new president. Life just seems to fly by. I'm not much on New Year's resolutions so I won't bore you here with the list of already broken resolutions I considered this year.

Nothing too exciting is going on in our world right now. Life is finally starting to settle down a little after the holidays and we're beginning to settle back into our routine. Blake has been doing some traveling with work and training. Matthew and Mackenzie have started playing basketball. Watching a bunch of 5-year olds fighting over a ball and running down the court while forgetting to dribble the ball is quite entertaining, I must admit.

It is the time of year again where school registration is beginning. Normally I don't have to worry about this issue, but Matthew begins middle school next year and Mariah has decided she is not happy at her high school so we are looking at other options. Sometimes I can't believe how quickly life is passing by. I feel like I'm looking out of my car window as life goes flying past. I wish there was a rewind or pause button so that I could slow it down a little and replay the good moments (ever seen the movie Click?).

I guess I've been reflecting on the speed of life so much lately and realizing the fragility of it. Mariah had two friends whose mothers passed away in the last month after battles with cancer. A good friend of ours is suffering from Lou Gerig's (spelling) disease. And I have two friends who have been recently diagnosed with a recurrence of cancer. Of course my mom is dealing with metastatic breast cancer as well (have I blogged about that?). It seems that every where I turn there is a constant reminder of how fragile life can be and how it can be gone in an instant. I guess that is the one resolution that I would like to focus on this year. Enjoying life to it's fullest and realizing that I am not guaranteed tomorrow.

That's what I hope to share in this blog in the months to come. The way that we are living and loving life. Will you come along for the journey? Happy New Year!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Saying Goodbye

Today a dear, old friend of my family's is being laid to rest after loosing her battle with cancer last Thursday. Because of location and family obligations we are unable to attend the services, but her family is very much in my prayers today.

Tana was a wonderful, godly woman who loved the Lord first and her family a very close second. She kept a blog during her 11 month struggle to fight this horrible disease and to see the faith and strength that can only come from God Himself was amazing. She was human and she struggled with doubt, depression, fear and anxiety just as I think most of us would. But the overriding message of her posts was that she knew the Lord was in control and she only wanted to see Him glorified through her ordeal. While God chose not to heal her on this side of heaven, I believe that through her testimony and the legacy that she leaves behind God will indeed be glorified. If you would like to read her blog for yourself, here is the link: http://jtrcheckel.blogspot.com/

Men and women, hug your spouse and your kids everyday. This just reminds us that none of us know how many days we will be granted on this earth. Any moment can be our last. So let those you love know it while you still have the chance. Don't assume they know it or wait for another day because it may not come. Live everyday like it could be your last. Don't have regrets.

As you read this, you might offer up a prayer for Tana's family. Her husband, John and sons Cody and Ryan and her parents will need all the prayers they can get as they try to get through the days, weeks, and months to come.

Tana, my sister, I am glad to say that I knew you. I cannot wait to be reunited someday in God's heavenly kingdom. Our lives are a little darker without you in it, but Heaven shines much brighter today. Rest in peace.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Looking to the Future

Well, another election has come and gone. While I do not agree with the outcome and did not vote for the president-elect, I have to say that I am glad that the election is over. All of the ads, campaigning, he said-he said, get a little tiresome after awhile. I have to admit that the human side of me is a little afraid of what the next few years hold. But, I also know that there is a God who is not surprised by any of the recent events. He has known all along how this election would turn out. I believe that God is still in control and is still on His throne. I don't know what He is doing in all of this but I do know that He always has a purpose in allowing things to happen. I believe that He will use this to bring glory to Himself. I also know that we are commanded in scripture to pray for those in authority over us. Therefore, I will choose the higher road and will try to see how God is working in all of this. I will commit to pray for our new president and those he surrounds himself with as well as all of those who serve in Congress. I am shaken but my faith holds firm. My God is bigger than any election ever could be and I hold strongly to that and to His promises.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I had an eye-opening experience with my oldest daughter today. One I'm still trying to digest and sort through. She is 14 and trying to assert her independence. A rite of passage that I know we all go through as we try to find our way in this world, cut the apron strings, and become our own person.

I guess I've always had illusions that my kids, especially my oldest daughter, would grow up to be just like me. I don't exactly know where that comes from unless it is some side effect of motherhood. God knows that I am different from both of my parents in alot of respects so why would I think that my children would grow up to be just like me?

We were discussing a topic today that I feel very strongly about. I have shared my feelings about this subject openly and honestly most of my adult life. Therefore, I was shocked to learn that she has a different opinion than mine. Not totally opposed to, just different. It was really the first time that I have been faced with the prospect that she is growing up. She is forming her own opinions and conclusions on the way the world is and how it works. After digesting this conversation a little, I realized that even though I disagree with her viewpoint, I am proud of the fact that she is becoming her own person. She is still young and immature in alot of ways and even if she doesn't want to acknowledge it, she still needs guidance and direction on some things from myself and my husband. But at the same time, I need to be able to step back and allow her the freedom to express herself openly and honestly, even if she disagrees with me, without the fear of judgment or correction.

This will take some effort on my part, I admit. I don't want to let go. I know this is the way it is supposed to work. We train them for a few short years (too short) and hope to release them into the world as responsible, hard working, well adjusted adults who are ready to make a difference in this world. It's just coming a little too soon for me. In a lot of ways, my influence on her is greatly diminishing. I guess I have to hope and pray that we've done a good job laying the foundation and then the rest will hopefully take care of itself.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Being a single parent

I have to tell you how much I admire and respect single parents. My mother was one for many years and sometimes I don't know how she did it. I am a stay-at-home mom and still can't seem to accomplish even the simplest tasks with all that is required in taking care of my home and my family. I can't imagine how single parents get it all done.

Now to the reason for this blog. As I shared in an earlier blog, my husband recently began a new job after 16 months of unemployment. I hear people talk about how their spouses drive them crazy when they are around the house too much, but not me. I loved having my husband home. I had someone to help out with all the mundane tasks that had to be accomplished and if I needed to run to the store for a minute he could watch the kids. Not to mention the adult companionship that so many of us stay at home parents long for. I knew having him back at work would be an adjustment.

He has now been at work for four weeks. Every week so far he has been out of town for at least one night. He left again this morning for another two days. He has traveled in the past, but never this much. It is to be expected with a new job and I understand completely. I just didn't realize how hard of an adjustment it was going to be. Being the only one to take care of the kids, take them to all of their various functions and making sure the homework gets done, meals get cooked, etc. etc. etc. is exhausting. And why is it that kids are so much more difficult and whiny when dad isn't around? I admit I'm probably alot more on edge and stressed when he is gone as well. His travels help me realize how lucky I am to have him around to help out and so much more aware of the plight of single parents. At least I know my discomfort is short lived and that he will be coming back. Doing it all on your own every day without help, well, I couldn't begin to imagine.

So, my point, if you know any single parents, think about ways to help them out. Run errands for them, babysit their kids so they can have a night out, offer to mow their lawn. There are a number of ways we could reach out and try to make their lives a little more manageable.