Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I love our Wii!!

Don't get me wrong. I am not a huge video game fan. I don't usually play much and limit the time that my children spend on them. However, I am a big fan of the Wii.

This game system actually makes you think and be active. You have to get up and move. No sitting down pushing buttons aimlessly. My entire family will play this system and we play together. So it is promoting family bonding as well. We still limit the time that we play but it is so nice to see our family in the same room sharing an activity. Our three year old even gets in on the action and I have to say she puts us all to shame with how well she bowls, plays tennis, baseball, boxing and golf.

We have been dealing with cold,wet,icy weather her today and more is forecast for tomorrow. But, my kids have remained active and have actually gotten some exercise even though they can't go outside.

If you are considering a game system and don't already have this one, I highly recommend it.

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